Dream: A Visual Poem

Personal Project

Role: Creative Direction, Poem, Illustration

Year: 2018 - 2019

The short film, Dream, is a personal project initiated from my poem, A Lonely Wintry Moon, which I wrote to portray myself as losing existence to follow this invisible dream. Below is the in-depth concept behind the project.

We often tend to dream, expect, and imagine the things we wished we had. Dreaming is a catalyst for a better future. However, I see dreams in two different ways. One being that dreams give off a sense of motivation and the other that dreams create a sense of delusion within. As humans, our dreams block us from seeing the things that are right in front of us. Although dreams are meant to keep us alive, they also make us forget our existence and our purpose. In the end, our lack of awareness of our surroundings can drive us to forget who we really are.

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↓ Displayed the film at 6th Ave and 29th St in NYC among 10 other Vimeo Staff Pick videos. 

01. The Poem: Lonely Wintry Moon

02. Concept Development & Rough Sketches

03. Storyboard

04. Color Study

05. Colorboard

06. Final Styleframes


Sofie Lee

Written by
Sofie Lee
Will Kang

Sofie Lee

Voice Over
Stella Stocker

Wesley Solver
Joe Basile

Sound Design
Joe Basile

Animation Direction
Omid Seraj

Trevor Richardson

2D & 3D Animation
Omid Seraj


Jesper Ryom - 'Nights' Music Video[ Art Direction. Ideation. Colorboard. Illustration ]


Cake FX - Interstitials[ Illustration ]